For enquiries and bookings, call 01442 400786 or 07960 828861

In-person classes for FAM Club

Mastering One-stroke


Juliet Eve and Amanda Careford


Tuesday 14 March 2023

11am to 4pm


Kings Langley, Hertfordshire

Special price for FAM Club members





This class will focus on all aspects of one-stroke painting, from the very basic strokes through to more complicated designs.

With hands-on help from Juliet and Amanda, you will soon feel confident in wielding your brush to create classic roses, dastardly dragons and everything in between!

Being able to watch the instructors handling the brush close up and for us to help in the positioning of your brush will enable you to get those ‘a-ha!’ moments of understanding.


Suitable for beginners, or those more experienced but struggling with certain aspects of this skill

Class limited to 12 students with two instructors


Full joining instructions will be sent on booking



Please note that the special price of £95 is for FAM Club members only. 

If you are not a member of FAM Club, please book here.

Bookings made via this form by non-members will be cancelled and your payment refunded