Motifs for Men
Next class: TBA.
Tribal Designs are all about the importance of width of brushstrokes and negative space, as well as learning some essential shapes.
Once you have cracked the techniques, you can move forward to improvise and make your own designs. You will have a very flexible skill to appeal to the boys and the men, as well as being able to develop delicate, feminine and colourful variations. We can show you how to incorporate tribal strokes into your day-to-day face painting, from tigers to princesses.
A good level of brush control is useful, although not essential, and the practice on the day will benefit all. However, this class is not really designed for beginners.
Bring a good quality round brush – my preference is a Sable Ultra Round No. 6, although others will work as long as you can achieve a good TTT (thin-thick-thin) stroke, ie a wide variation of thickness with a sharp point at each end. I can supply brushes if required, please ask for details in advance. I suggest a strongly-pigmented black paint for practising, such as Cameleon, DFX or Paradise. We will work on paper and our arms for practice.